Here I have compiled a list of what I have found to be fascinating facts and connections within the scope of Chris's career. If you have any information which you feel should be included here, feel free to send it to me, along with the source from which you obtained it.
Matthew McConaughey, in Lone Star (1996) plays Chris's father. Jeremy Sumpter in Adaptation (2001) plays the younger version of Chris's character. In Frailty (2001), Jeremy Sumpter plays the younger version of Matthew McConaughey's character's brother. McConaughey also appeared with Chris in A Time to Kill (1996).
Chris Cooper appeared with Kevin Spacey in the TV movie Darrow (1991), wherein Spacey played the infamous Clarence Darrow, and Chris played Eugene Debs. They appeared together again in the very popular American Beauty (1999), as well as A Time to Kill (1996).
In Lone Star, Tay Strathairn plays the younger version of Chris's character. Tay Strathairn is the son of actor David Strathairn, who starred with Chris in the John Sayles films Matewan (1987) and City of Hope (1991).
Chris appeared in both Matewan (1987) and the TV movie Ned Blessing: The True Story of My Life (1992) with fabulous character actor Bob Gunton.
Chris appeared in both Matewan (1987) and the TV movie Alone (1997) with actor James Earl Jones. And while Chris's image appears on the video cover of Alone, his name does not.
During the filming of The Patriot (2000), one extra reports that during one take, instead of reciting his line 'Prime and load', Chris reportedly commanded the troops to 'Lock and load'. [source]
Chris Cooper and character actor Tony Frank have worked or appeared together in all of the following productions: Bed of Lies (1992) (TV), In Broad Daylight (1991) (TV), Lone Star (1996), and Ned Blessing: The True Story of My Life (1992) (TV)
[main | news | filmography | bio | faq | articles | trivia | reviews | pics | mailing list | message board | cc e*mail | misc | link2me | links | contact] this page last updated on june 4th, 2001
pictures, articles, and other info throughout this site have been taken from various sources, including: a touch of texas, a tribute, and admiration society. thank you.