This site was created on May 21st, 2001
Today I uploaded the pictures I have from Lonesome Dove, Breast Men, Great Expectations, The Patriot, Alone, Pharaoh's Army, and Matewan. I am really looking forward to seeing more of Chris's work, sitting down and writing reviews of those works, renting and obtaining his movies this summer and getting lots and lots of nice screen captures from them... yay! Ah.... i go away now. That is all.6-4-01
I added to the Misc. page a list of all of Chris's work that I've seen... I'll admit that most of what I have seen has happened on my film quest, three of which happened only just this past weekend. right. so i also uploaded the pictures i have from american beauty, october sky, lone star, thousand pieces of gold, and the horse whisperer. more pictures happening soon as i find time and motivation to upload them. i also augmented some of the trivia on the trivia page cuz it completely slipped my mind that chris is in a time to kill. silly me! that's a great performance he does in that film too, in my humble opinion. *sigh* chris is great, chris is good. i don't have any signatures in the guestbook yet, and no one joining the notify list or the mailing list so far. sadly. keep checking back though. i'm not going away any time soon. that is all.5-23-01
further maintenance and shit work.5-21-01
Site created and initial design established. 
[main | news | filmography | bio | faq | articles | trivia | reviews | pics | mailing list | message board | cc e*mail | misc | link2me | links | contact] this page last updated on june 5th, 2001
pictures, articles, and other info throughout this site have been taken from various sources, including: a touch of texas, a tribute, and admiration society. thank you.